
If healing from a heartbreak feels like an emotional workout- private coaching is equivalent to a personal trainer to guide you through with a programme tailored to your specific needs and situation.

I am a qualified life coach, timeline therapist, NLP and Hypnosis practitioner who takes a holistic approach to coaching sessions.

I have worked with clients from all over the world to breathe new life into the process of heartbreak by extracting the lessons and building confidence, accountability and self love into their healing journeys.

Using a mixed modality approach with loads of compassion and tough love when its needed, I am passionate about "life after a breakup". It's my mission to heal the world one heart at a time.

There are a variety of personal coaching options available from a chat on Instagram right through to a comprehensive 3 month programme that holds your hand every step of the way.

You can book your first session in whatever timeframe or budget suits your needs.

Lets kick the sh*t out of this breakup together!